Showing posts with label Staffordshire. Show all posts
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Creepy face of a ghost appears on film in a Haunted tunnel (video)

A paranormal investigator got the shock of his life when he was faced with a 'ghost' after venturing alone into underground tunnel...
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Man photographs 'White Knight Ghosts' watching neice playing in park

A dad-of-five was left spooked when he spotted two ghostly figures – which he believes are knights – in the back of a photo. Richard Jones ...
Monday, September 29, 2014

Black Eyed Child' spotted in UK for first time in 30 years

Sightings of the ghoul around the marshy countryside of Cannock Chase, a notorious area for paranormal sightings in Staffordshire, were fi...